According to one of the councils of the collective, the government’s decision “has no solid legal basis”.
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The lawyers of the Uprisings of the Earth announced, Wednesday, June 21, their intention to file an appeal before the Council of State against the dissolution of the collective by the government. This decision “intervenes in defiance of fundamental freedoms”justified Raphaël Kempf, one of the councils of the collective.
“The government does not have a solid legal basis to dissolve the Earth Uprisings”, added the lawyer. “We dispute even the appellation of the ‘de facto grouping’ because the Uprisings of the Earth, it is a movement which is horizontal, which cannot be dissolved”added his colleague Ainoha Pascual.
Greta Thunberg, present in Paris on the occasion of the Summit for a new global financial pact, went to the rally in front of the Council of State to support the environmental collective. “I hope more people will stand up against what is happening right now, and defend the right to protest”she said, alongside members of the collective, elected officials and organizations.