lawyer and former president Charles Nicolas indicted for “fraud”, “breach of trust” and “money laundering”

The former president of Guadeloupe, Charles Nicolas is suspected of having defrauded 200 customers. The damage is estimated at 11 million euros.

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The lawyer Charles Nicolas, former president of Guadeloupe, suspected of having defrauded at least 200 clients by diverting part of the compensation intended for them, was indicted on Wednesday February 8 for “aggravated breach of trust”, “fraud” and “aggravated money laundering”, learned franceinfo from a judicial source.

The former president of the island was indicted by an investigating judge from Fort-de-France (Martinique), at the end of his 48 hours in police custody in Pointe-à-Pitre. The damage is estimated at 11 million euros. Investigators from the Pointe-à-Pitre search section also seized two luxury cars, a Ferrari and a Lamborghini, as well as three apartments and money in bank accounts.

Given the scale of the case, the investigation, which follows initial reports in 2020, had been transferred to the Specialized Interregional Jurisdiction (Jirs) of Fort-de-France, in Martinique.

Placed under judicial control with his wife

On Wednesday, after 48 hours in police custody, he was therefore indicted for “aggravated breach of trust”, “fraud” and “aggravated money laundering”. His wife, a lawyer and who had also been placed in police custody on Monday, was indicted for “aggravated money laundering”. Both were placed under judicial supervision.

Justice also requested the prohibition to practice their profession of lawyer, which will be examined by the council of the Order. Contacted by franceinfo, Charles Nicolas’ lawyer did not wish to react. Four other people, including doctors, placed in police custody, have been released without prosecution at this stage.

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