Law studies more accessible for young people from the DPJ

This text is part of the special Philanthropy section

Thanks to the Quebec Bar Foundation, young adults from less advantaged communities, under the wing of the Director of Youth Protection (DYP), benefit from life-saving financial support in pursuing their studies in law and thus see their academic perseverance rewarded. “We believe in you”, this is the message that the Bar Foundation is sending to its stars of tomorrow.

“These studies are demanding and take time,” explains Anne-Marie Poitras, CEO of the Quebec Bar Foundation, in an interview. If we can remove this stress from young people from less advantaged backgrounds, or from ethnocultural communities underrepresented in the legal community, that is part of the primary mission of the Bar Foundation. »

The objectives of the Quebec Bar Foundation are in fact based on two main pillars: the advancement of law (through grants for research projects, legal competitions, midday web conferences) and support for legal studies .

It is in this second scholarship program that the partnership with the DPJ Youth Foundation nests, set up in 2021, following contact between the Court of Quebec, Youth Chamber, and the Bar Foundation, with a view to implementing tools in youth law. When discussions between the Bar Foundation and the DPJ Youth Foundation (offering complementary services to those of the DPJ, notably promoting the transition to autonomy) emerged, in fall 2021 and winter 2022 , three young law students were targeted and were thus able to access academic training without financial stress.

“We decided to join forces to support them in order to pay their tuition fees, their public transportation, their books, their food, their medication, their rent…” explains Anne-Marie Poitras.

Great pride

As this first three-year agreement between the two entities expires this year, the Bar Foundation intends to renew it. “It’s very promising and meaningful for us. After three years, we will have given $44,500 in scholarships for these young people studying law. What we donate does not cover the entire cost incurred by these young people, but the DPJ Youth Foundation comes in to provide complete financial support. »

“What we heard is that these young people are very proud to be supported by the Fondation du Barreau du Québec. For them, it is very meaningful, because this is the community that they aspire to join after their studies and their Bar School. It helps them to preserve themselves, to avoid overwork, stress and anxiety, because they know that financial support will allow them to concentrate on their studies, their homework and their exams. It gives them peace of mind,” continues Poitras.

A certain preconceived perception is that law studies are easier to access for a certain social and financial elite. Despite their particular background, even if they do not necessarily come “from the same place” as other much more privileged comrades having already rubbed shoulders with judges and lawyers in their family circle, Anne-Marie Poitras nevertheless evokes the great resilience and unshakeable motivation which arises from the ordeals often experienced by young people accompanied by the DPJ.

“What we seek to recognize is academic perseverance. This is the support we want to give them until the end of the Bar School, in particular. Their background of resilience and courage allows them to aspire to these studies, especially if we remove the financial concerns to get there. If some wanted to go for a master’s degree, we could support them. »

Philanthropic heart

In a letter of thanks published by the Quebec Bar Foundation, one of the candidates who received this support warmly expressed his great gratitude to the organization that supported him in his academic journey. “Your support is essential to guarantee access to education and ensure the training of the future generation of competent jurists and lawyers,” wrote A., whose anonymity must be preserved for reasons of prudence.

Anne-Marie Poitras underlines that the Bar Foundation has been supported, for more than 45 years, solely by private donations, from governors or donors (individual, one-off, or companies, etc.). Hence the “appeal to the philanthropic heart” of the legal community, crucial in the development of initiatives such as collaboration with the DPJ.

“We want to have the most diverse legal succession possible. This is what will enrich the legal community, which will ensure that the law will contribute in a useful and relevant way to the societal challenges that face us,” concludes Anne-Marie Poitras.

This content was produced by the Special Publications team at Duty, relating to marketing. The writing of the Duty did not take part.

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