Law Firm Owner | The Bar refuses to comment on the situation of MP Guillaume Cliche-Rivard

(Quebec) The Quebec Bar refuses to say whether or not the member for Québec solidaire (QS), Guillaume Cliche-Rivard, respects its Code of Ethics: this is a legal opinion, affirms the professional order.

Called to rule on the controversy which put the MP on the defensive this week, the Bar nevertheless recalled that Mr. Cliche-Rivard has the duty to respect at all times the Code of Ethics for Lawyers.

The professional order also assured that it exercises its duty to monitor the profession at all times and wanted to reassure the population.

Let us remember that Mr. Cliche-Rivard finds himself in a rather unprecedented situation in parliament.

He is his party’s spokesperson on immigration matters, while practicing as a lawyer specializing in immigration, sole shareholder of a law office that he continues to manage, Cliche-Rivard, Avocats, where he also acts as legal counsel.

In an email, the Bar responded to a series of questions sent by La Presse Canadienne, to find out in particular whether the situation is likely to place Mr. Cliche-Rivard in a conflict of interest or in the appearance of a conflict of interest.

The Bar has indicated that this is a legal opinion and that the Bar does not give a legal opinion on specific cases involving members of the order.

As for also knowing whether the situation could lead to audits or an investigation by the Bar, the law does not allow this information to be given, the organization argued.

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