“L’Avventura” by Stone and Charden: the self-portrait of a couple

All summer, we talk about a great love song every day. Today, our Saturday slow: the first successful duo of two singers united in the city before being in the studio and on stage.

If you think love song, you necessarily think love story – and here is one. Adventure, Stone and Charden’s greatest hit – and the most tautological, if you will. Because Stone and Charden make a song to say they sing.

But is it for that, precisely, that this song was the most sold of the year 1971? Today, it looks so simple. We are two, we sing together. We live in this universe: the Motherfuckersthe emission Taratata, cover albums, featurings in rap: we do not imagine, in 2023, that artists can sing alone throughout their career. Well, it turns out that in 1971 it was a novelty.

In this episode of These songs that make the summeryou hear excerpts from:

Stone and Charden, Adventure, 1971

Juliette Greco, Tell me, when will you come back ?, 12-Feb-69

Stone, day, night, 1966

Stone, Girl or boy, 1966

Stone, Long live France, 1967

Stone and Charden, The price of matches, 1972

Stone and Charden, Adventure, 1971

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And you can also find on this link the podcast Behind our voices, with the writing and composition secrets of eight major artists of the French scene, Laurent Voulzy, Julien Clerc, Bénabar, Dominique A, Carla Bruni, Emily Loizeau, Juliette and Gaëtan Roussel.

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