Laval University | Lecturers go on strike

(Montreal) Recent conciliation meetings between Laval University and the Union of 1700 lecturers did not succeed in preventing the outbreak of a strike.

Wednesday evening, in a press release, the Union of Lecturers at Laval University (SCCCUL) announced that the strike will be officially called on Thursday.

In a message to its members, the union mentioned that the negotiations had reached a “dead end” and announced four days of walkout, this Thursday, Friday, Monday and Tuesday. The union attached to the National Federation of Teachers of Quebec, affiliated with the CSN, has a 10-day strike mandate to be exercised at the appropriate time.

Laval University reacted to the strike announcement by press release on Wednesday evening. “We find it unfortunate that a strike has been called, and we are making every effort to support the student community,” said the vice-rector of studies and student affairs, responsible for health, Cathia Bergeron.

The university wanted to point out that the activities planned for this weekend, February 17 and 18, are being maintained.

“Despite this decision by the union to call strike days, negotiations are continuing with the help of the conciliator. We are hopeful that it will allow us to reach an agreement as soon as possible, for the benefit of the entire university community,” indicated the executive vice-rector and vice-rector for human resources and finance. , André Darveau.

Both management and the union have indicated that salaries are now the main point in dispute, since the normative clauses have been fairly settled, after several months of negotiation. For its part, Laval University maintains that all elements of the normative aspect are now settled.

The parties have benefited from the help of a conciliator from the Ministry of Labor since January.

The union recalled that all educational activities and activities related to the work of a lecturer would be interrupted during these strike days.

On Tuesday, university management said it was aware of the possible repercussions of a strike. “We understand that the impacts could be significant and Laval University is doing everything possible to promote the conclusion of an agreement as soon as possible, for the good of the entire university community. We are very sensitive to the fact that 67% of students registered for the winter session have at least one course offered by a lecturer. »

On its Facebook page, the union asked its members to “stay tuned” in case a possible agreement in principle was on the table by Thursday morning.

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