Laval | Teenager fatally hit by snowplow

A 16-year-old teenager succumbed to his injuries after being hit by a snow removal truck Monday evening in Laval.

The tragedy occurred in the parking lot of Galeries Laval on boulevard Le Corbusier, not far from boulevard Saint-Martin Ouest. The officers of the Service de police de Laval (SPL) went to the scene around 9:30 p.m. in connection with the accident that occurred in the parking lot of the shopping center.

The driver of the truck was in charge of the snow removal. He hit the young pedestrian, whose death was pronounced on the spot.

The 49-year-old driver was treated for nervous shock, said Érika Landry, spokesperson for the police force.

“The scene was protected by a security perimeter for the accident investigation investigators who were to meet the driver of the truck and witnesses,” she added.

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