Laval residents at the heart of a #ProfondementHumain philanthropic movement

This text is part of the special section Philanthropy

“Because we are all profoundly human, we invest in health. This is the slogan of the major campaign launched by the Cité de la Santé Foundation since 2020. The donations collected will give it the necessary impetus to improve care and social services in the Laval region.

Over the next few years, health needs in Laval will continue to grow. The CISSS de Laval is already surpassing itself to meet the needs of 435,000 people, while the population is estimated at more than 530,000 in 2036. Thanks to its #ProfondementHumain campaign, the Cité de la Santé Foundation hopes to contribute to these needs of $15 million. By inviting the business world and philanthropy to join this movement, the Foundation wants to create a major local commitment for a significant impact in the community.

Give back what we have received

Claude Sauriol, a retired scientist and businessman from Sainte-Dorothée, made an exceptional donation of $100,000 to the Cité de la Santé Foundation. When he was an intern in the pharmacy of his uncle, Dollard Sauriol, the latter only charged $2 for antibiotic treatments to patients who could not afford them. He also saw his father bring food to a large family that was in a precarious situation. “When you’re young, these are the examples you remember! says the donor.

Going to visit his mother at the Cité-de-la-Santé hospital, Claude Sauriol was surprised by the smallness of the donations displayed in the entrance. “The culture of giving has been established in English-speaking circles for a long time”, underlines the one who wishes to encourage French-speakers to get involved.

When we have succeeded in our life personally and financially, “we must remember that we did not do it alone, but thanks to our environment, our education, our family, and thanks to all the factors and infrastructures that have contributed to it”, emphasizes the donor who invites us to give back to the community. His donation enabled the Hospital to acquire state-of-the-art medical equipment for the operating room. Equipment that “serves directly to the patient”, he rejoices.

Give close to yourself

“It’s so important to be able to give back to our society! says Louis Leclair, president of the Laval company Fourgons Transit. The latter, committed to the Cité de la Santé Foundation in various ways (annual donations, participation in sports races, etc.), donated $250,000 as part of the #ProfondementHumain campaign.

The president deliberately turned to a local cause. “For several years, I have made the choice to give to works that are close to me”, confides the one whose two daughters (with whom he shares his philanthropic commitment) were born at the Cité-de- health. One of his employees was treated for cancer there.

“He was treated in the oncology department, which is extraordinary, and that gave me the heart to continue to help the Foundation,” says Mr. Leclair, who was able to increase the amount of his company’s donations to the course of its growth. He encourages us to help those who take care of those around us and who will take care of us one day with a gift commensurate with our abilities, because “there is no small gift. Every donation counts! »

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