Laval | Half as many firearm discharges in 2023

(Laval) Laval police observed that almost half as many firearm discharge events occurred on its territory last year compared to 2022.

The Laval Police Service (SPL) affirms that thanks to the efforts deployed as part of the Paradox coordinated project, there were 13 discharge events in 2023 compared to 24 the previous year and 43 in 2021.

The Paradox project is made up of five areas of intervention established by the SPL in order to have comprehensive coverage of events involving firearms.

The assistant director of the Criminal Investigation Sector of the SPL, Jean-François Rousselle, believes that the strategy on which the Paradox project is based demonstrates encouraging results in the face of a phenomenon as volatile as that of urban violence linked to firearms. fire. In his opinion, the reductions in events observed over the last two years are proof that the constant diligence of police officers has a notable impact on the ground.

In 2023, 57 firearms were seized and 36 individuals were arrested in Laval.

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