Laval Agglo calls on its inhabitants to keep their waste dry to avoid overflowing containers

You may have noticed it if you live in the agglomeration of Laval, the points of voluntary contribution of waste overflow in places. About twenty municipalities are concerned. The service provider responsible for collecting these containers for the community, Veolia, is short of staff. “Annual leave, Covid absences and withdrawals among temporary recruitments are currently causing an understaffing situation which does not allow the usual frequency of pick-ups to be ensured”, writes Laval Agglomeration this Thursday in a press release.

The situation will be tense all August despite the reinforcement of a truck from Laval Agglo from this Friday. This is why it is necessary as far as possible to keep some kinds of waste at home or bring them to the recycling center, explains Laurence Lalonnier, director of waste prevention and management at Laval Agglo.

I encourage residents who can, not to overload the sites with buried containers.

Large boxes can for example be transported to the recycling center, cardboard boxes kept at home, just like glass bottles.

Waste collection at voluntary drop-off points will in any case no longer be provided by Veolia from September 1, but by the Mineris group. A change of service provider planned before this problematic situation. Every month at Laval Agglo, 1,700 tons of residual household waste are collected, 350 tons of glass and 580 tons of recyclable waste.

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