Laury Thilleman, separated from Juan Arbelaez, talks about a big milestone: “It was time to think about me”

Life is full of surprises, both good and bad. Laury Thilleman and Juan Arbelaez had bitter experience of this during the year. On May 17, when nothing predicted such an outcome, the couple announced their divorce on social networks: “I wanted to share with you that after 7 years of intense happiness and living together at mile an hour, Juan and I decided together to continue our journeys separately, wrote the young woman of 30 years. The tenderness, benevolence, gratitude and mutual respect that we share remain and will remain intact. (…) Juan has brightened up my life with a thousand colors and will always have a special place in my heart.. Attempts by some Internet users to find out the reasons, kept secret, for such a reversal of the situation have remained in vain.

At the dawn of the broadcast of The music festival on France 2, which Laury Thilleman will host, the ex-Miss France admitted to having made a turning point in her life when she reached her thirties. HAS Star TV, which does not specify whether the interview took place before or after his separation from Juan Arbelaez, Laury Thilleman confided: “Turning 30 made me realize that it was time to think about myself. To continue doing well what I love, I need to focus on what makes me happy. No more pleasing others by never saying ‘no’ to them. From now on, I decide to say ‘yes’ to me.“Such awareness could therefore explain the shock announcement of a few weeks ago.

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