Laurie Cholewa “badly burned”: photo of her injury which made her suffer for several hours

Public figures are not spared by domestic accidents. Laurie Cholewa can attest to this since she experienced a mishap this Wednesday, January 5, 2022. A story that she revealed to her Instagram community.

An accident happens so quickly, Greg Lévy’s wife will not say the opposite. Around noon, she shared a photo with one of her arms visible. The opportunity to see that she was burnt and not just a little, since the burn is quite large (see slideshow). With humor despite everything, she asked her stylist in the caption if he had planned to give her a long-sleeved top …

Laurie Cholewa subsequently received numerous messages from worried subscribers. She therefore wanted to reassure everyone by writing: “You are too nice to worry about me. Yes I burned myself badly. Thanks to the advice of Doctor Oren Marco, I put directly under cold water and Vaseline four times a day. The pain subsided after several hours. But as I see that the subject is interesting, I will relay your various tips in the event of a burn. It can be useful, it happens household accidents.

Something promised, something due. Laurie Cholewa has shown that she had been advised to use a healing bandage, essential oil, cream or cutters. Posts that those who follow her will appreciate. On the other hand, the beautiful brunette of 41 years did not tell how she was injured …

But what does it matter for her community, as long as she is doing better. In any case, this did not prevent her from working since she apparently registered a new number. clap (Europe 1). She posted another photo in which we can see the frame of her show and the equipment she uses, an almost empty bottle located nearby. We can therefore imagine that she was with her son Niels Patrick Levy (1 year).

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