Laurent Wauquiez will attend the meeting of LR deputies for the first time since the 2022 legislative elections

In the midst of a debate on the immigration law, the president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, potential presidential candidate, will see the LR deputies on Tuesday morning at their group meeting at the National Assembly, this is the information from the brief .



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The president of the Auvergne-Rhônes-Alpes region, October 19, 2023. (BERTRAND RIOTORD / MAXPPP)

This will be a first since the 2022 legislative elections: Laurent Wauquiez goes Tuesday, November 14 in the morning to the meeting of LR deputies at the National Assembly. He had never set foot in front of the deputies since there were only 62 of them. “We can ask him where he was during the retreats” , tackles a deputy. At the time, Laurent Wauquiez stayed away from the debates, he was criticized for this. Here is the potential LR candidate for the next presidential election who will see the troops for the immigration law. “It’s normal that he comes,” rejoices a deputy, “this is a subject of primary importance”. Another wonders what he’s going to do in this mess. “He has nothing to gainhe said, we’re going to the issue of immigration.”

>> Immigration bill: abolition of the AME, expulsions, land law… What the text which must be voted on by the Senate today contains

This is because LR’s position is not simple on immigration law. On Tuesday afternoon, senators voted on the Darmanin law, which was largely toughened, with the transformation of state medical aid into aid limited to emergency care, and regularization of undocumented immigrants more complicated than initially wanted by the government. The problem is that the LR deputies do not want to give the Minister of the Interior a gift by voting for his law. But, politically, it is difficult to redo the pension issue with LR senators who say yes and LR deputies incapable of having a common position. Moreover, at Place Beauvau we are pleased to have “mis Olivier Marleix [le patron des députés LR] in the dust” by reaching an agreement with the Senate.

“Message of firmness and unity”

What will Laurent Wauquiez say to his family’s deputies? Mystery at this point. First, he must see Bruno Retailleau, who will defend the text voted on by the senators. “Facing the deputies, Wauquiez must carry a message of firmness and unity” explains an elected official close to him. To prevent the group from ending up scattered like a puzzle between those who are in favor of voting for an immigration law, supported by public opinion, and the diehards ready for a motion of censure against the government.

To get out of this as smoothly as possible, the right is banking on the left wing of the presidential majority! “Our friends at Renaissance will simplify the matter by providing state medical aid, hopes someone close to Laurent Wauquiez, this will avoid psychodrama”. Indeed, if the initial text is restored, LR will be able to say “really, we cannot support this law”.

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