Laurent Ruquier shocked by the revelations of a TF1 host on Bernard Montiel

Although he has not been on the major television channels for a number of years, Alexandre Debanne was for some time one of the most famous faces of the PAF. Very quickly, the world of television opened its doors to the Francilien who had started on the radio by creating his own local radio station. After a program on TF1 then a passage on M6, he hosts with Bernard Montiel the program Video Gag from 1990 on the first channel. But, victim of a motorcycle accident in 1996, Alexandre Debanne then put his career on hold and gave way to another Alexandre, Delpérier.

From his time on the first channel, the native of Melun seems to still have good memories. Questioned by Jordan De Luxe, he also mentioned, there is little, his collaboration with Bernard Montiel. And the former host was full of praise for the TPMP columnist. “He just did the easy stuff and, in my opinion, given the talent he had – he’s got real talent – ​​I think he let himself float, [qu’il s’est reposé] on its laurels“, he estimated. “If he had worked a little more to really go towards who he is, with his true personality, he would have been a hit. He missed the mark for me, compared to the talent he has“, he explained.

Invited this Sunday April 17 on France 2 in Les enfants de la télé, Alexandre Debanne also evoked a famous sketch of the Unknowns who had fun in the early 90s to parody the program Vidéo gag and its animators. After the broadcast of an extract, the former host still wanted to clarify that Bernard Campan was openly making fun of Bernard Montiel and not him. “No, but that was Bernard Montiel“.”It’s a mix of both. We’ll say. It’s not nice to say it was Montiel“, estimated Laurent Ruquier. “Oh yes, it’s the truth. That’s right, he needed a teleprompter“, added Alexandre Debanne.

Thibaud Cruz

See also: Bernard Montiel in tears on C8!

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