Laurent Ruquier ready to stop “Les Grosses Têtes”? He already has an idea of ​​his end date…

Is there no weariness?“, adds Pascal Praud. “No, I would still like to be there for the fiftieth anniversary of the Big heads but I think it will be a good time, maybe, never swear to anything because sometimes we contradict each other, I tell myself that maybe it would be time to hand over. We’ll see !“, then replies Laurent Ruquier. As a reminder, Laurent Ruquier hosts the show The Big Heads since 2014. He succeeded Philippe Bouvard, creator and host of the show for thirty-seven years. Created in 1977, the show The Big Heads was also hosted for a year by Christophe Dechavanne in 2000.

When he arrived on the show The Big Heads in August 2014, Laurent Ruquier had invited his acolytes from La Bande à Ruquier to come and join him, including Pierre Bénichou, Jean-Pierre Coffe, Isabelle Mergault but also some chroniclers of his predecessor such as Jean-Jacques Peroni, Bernard Mabille, Chantal Ladesou or Laurent Baffie.

In 2015, the show The Big Heads appeared on television before being rebranded as The Big Heads go skiing, The Big Heads go back to school in 2018, The Big Heads play the game in 2019, The Big Heads celebrate Carnival, Les Grosses Têtes: The more girls, the merrier! in 2020 or a special Valentine’s Day edition in 2021.

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