Laurent Ruquier: Luxurious New Year in New York with a beautiful brown and the unexpected presence of a maligned friend …

Who has never dreamed of drinking a glass of champagne in the heart of Times Square for the New Year? The host Laurent Ruquier undoubtedly made a tour of it, he who chose New York to bury 2021 and celebrate the arrival of 2022. This is what we saw on Instagram.

It is the very attractive Hugo Manos – ex-reality TV candidate and supposed new companion of Laurent Ruquier – who unveiled the backstage of this beautiful stay. In the story from his Instagram account, we could see that he was partying for the New Year at Soho Grand Hotel – precisely at Club Room – with an incredible view of the Big Apple. The handsome brunette, who works in a gym in Paris, filmed the luxurious party organized for the occasion and, in addition to Laurent Ruquier, we could see relatives of the host of Big heads like the comedian Jeanfi Janssens, the imitator Michaël Gregorio, the producer Péri Cochin or the sports commentator Florian Gazan. And, surprise, we also noticed the unexpected presence of the fallen producer Gilbert Rozon! The latter, a longtime friend of Laurent Ruquier, has been accused of rape and sexual assault in Quebec by several women. Smiling and with a festive spirit, he seems to be doing well despite his exclusion from show business.

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