Laurent Ruquier launches a new TV project: the details of his show and an update on Léa Salamé

Laurent Ruquier wasted no time in bouncing back. After giving up her place on Saturday evening on France 2 to Léa Salamé, who is expected with her program called What an era!, the animator is ready to start a new project. It’s certain Paris Premiere that it will now be expected with a new cultural program recorded under live conditions, Premier Club. He will highlight everything that has always fascinated him, namely theatre, literature, cinema but also humor. “We wanted to redo a cultural program on Paris Premiere because there were none. We want to offer a program where we don’t take ourselves seriously“, explains to TV Magazine the general manager of the chain Catherine Schofer.

Laurent Ruquier will surround himself for each number with artists already known but also with those who could well become so at the restaurant The Hallmark. “I have always popularized culture and never addressed the elite. We are here to send viewers books, films or plays that they would not necessarily have read or seen.“, adds the host. For the launch, we will also see Gaël Tchakaloff (his ex-columnist forWe are not in bed in 2019-2020) and François Renucci, producer of his radio shows for years. In addition, three comedians will intervene to discuss cultural news.

The floor will also be given to readers or spectators, who will be invited to share their opinion on the work they have read or seen. “It’s an idea I had a few years ago and hadn’t implemented yet.. I thus hope to create an exchange between the actor and the spectator or the author and the reader. This allows to have a freshness and to obtain an opinion without ulterior motive or connivance“, he rejoices.

Laurent Ruquier hopes to do better thanWe are live

This is a new start for Laurent Ruquier after the disappointment of not having “managed to do the show (he) wanted to do” with We are live. It’s neither Léa Salamé’s fault nor from mineit’s the exercise in pairs that was difficult because we don’t have the same freedom, you have to think about the speaking time of the other… That was last year and, before, we had been frustrated because we were in confinement“, he notes. Thus, he hopes this time to be able to “have fun, transmit and be happy“.

Note that Laurent Ruquier does not neglect public service and will continue to lead Children of TV every Sunday on France 2. He also plans to launch the entertainment Everything makes us sing to talk about the news in songs with comedians and artists.

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