Laurent Ruquier jealous? Focus of his darling Hugo Manos: “That’s how it goes”

Hugo Manos is the latest addition to the family of Do not touch My TV. The model and sports coach is not unknown to the general public since he is a hit on social networks. A field that his companion Laurent Ruquier, television icon, knows a little less about, but which is beginning to take up a lot of space in the new generation. Star of Instagram and TikTok, Hugo Manos is now alongside Cyril Hanouna and his columnists, a new role which projects him a little more in the middle of the celebrity.

This is the point of the couple formed by Laurent Ruquier and Hugo Manos which was addressed in Do not touch My TV this Monday, April 25. The handsome brunette and ex-godfather of reality tv angels agreed to say more when Cyril Hanouna wanted to know if Laurent Ruquier was jealous of the fact that he was becoming more and more famous: “It depends on the characterhe began. I honestly think that Laurent will never have any problem with seeing me ride, on the contrary! I think he will be happy for me, proud. I think that in terms of character, his personality means that there is not necessarily an ego problem.”

Not everyone was of this opinion on the set, Benjamin Castaldi the first. He who shared the life of Flavie Flament, another great television star at the time, testified: “You never stay at the same level. This is when there are problems, it does not help. We have a little ego when we do this job.“It is therefore apparently far from being the case of Laurent Ruquier.

A few days ago, however, the host of Big heads evoked one of his escapades with Hugo Manos in Spain during which a person stopped to grab them at the airport. But to her great surprise, it was not to Laurent Ruquier that she wanted to talk about the base: “I think we met the one and only person who could recognize me instead of Laurentsaid Hugo Manos. The only person in France!“If this episode made you smile, the new recruit of TPMP remain lucid:Today, when I walk down the street, nobody cares. I’ve been publicized for too little time. Laurent, everyone recognizes him, everyone is interested in him, and I’m nearby and I see what. That’s how it is honestly today.“For how long? The future will tell…

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