Laurent Ruquier “frustrated” to share the antenna with Léa Salamé: she comes out of silence for the first time

On June 4, 2022, Laurent Ruquier presented his show for the last time We are live, only two years after its launch and one year after the arrival of Léa Salamé as co-host. The rumor had been running for a while and the companion of Hugo Manos ended up confirming it himself through his social networks. He then explained that it was his initiative, questioning the sharing of the antenna with Léa Salamé. “It’s my decision to leave this time slot, not being comfortable co-hosting a talk show. I tried, but despite my natural understanding with Léa Salamé, I consider the exercise too frustrating“, he confessed.

Léa Salamé did not speak, except to deliver a moving speech during the last of her colleague. But, during an interview with Michel Cymes for his program Dr Good, the journalist agreed to talk about her departure and above all to react to her feeling of frustration. “This is the first time I have spoken on this subject. Since then, everything has been written. Spoke to him. Me, I don’t speak“, she first said, then reporting that Laurent Ruquier had told her of his doubts “very quickly“, “after three months“.”I think I will stop. I am not happy“, he had confessed to her.

But then, what were really the causes of his unhappiness? For Léa Salamé, there is “many reasons“.”There was questions from producers. There were issues of doing a show he wanted to do, which wasn’t exactly that. And then there was the co-presentation“, she confirmed. And to clarify: “Laurent Ruquier is someone with whom I get along very well since the days ofWe are not lying (where she was her columnist from 2014 to 2016, editor’s note). He told me quite clearly: ‘I adored you as a columnist, but, shared as a co-presenter, it frustrates me’. That’s what he told me. Me, it frustrated me less. I could have continued for years with him“.

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