Laurent Ruquier and his videos with Hugo Manos: the handsome brunette responds to criticism and mockery

Last October, TikTok users were able to discover for the first time a video of Hugo Manos, the charming young man seen in the reality TV Angels – became manager of a sports hall – with Laurent Ruquier by his side. While all the clues distilled by the host and his relatives in recent months suggest that it is his new companion, the two men have not formalized anything. But they continue to appear together and to elicit remarks.

After posting two new videos on his account with the host of Big heads and D’We are live, on the occasion of a chic stay in New York to celebrate the New Year, Hugo Manos ended up annoyed by the remarks of certain users who criticize their age difference, their respective physique or the fact that Laurent Ruquier (58 years old) is a little lost on what to do on the videos of the handsome brunette. One message said in particular: “No, but take him back to the nursing home, you can see he’s uncomfortable there.“A message among dozens of others that convinced Hugo Manos to react.

On a new video he then said: “So there are a lot of people who seem to have a real problem with the passage of time. Is everyone well aware that we all have the same pace of life? That we are going to be 20 years old, 30 years old, 40 years old, 50 years old, 60 years old, 70 years old, 80 years old, I wish you. And that we are all going to die (…) Don’t be mean to people who have lived more than you. And then everyone who says that, someday you’ll be 50, 60, or 70 and you will be hoping people respect you and respect your life. Anyway, it’s not cool …“, he proclaimed in front of the camera, a little annoyed by the situation. The latter also assured that”99.9% of worst reviews“that he sees under his videos come from”accounts without identity, anonymous“…

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