Laurent Ruquier and his about-face on paternity: an abandoned child’s project?

We know it, and it has been criticized a lot, Laurent Ruquier does not really have the militant soul towards the LGBT cause. He was not very much in favor of marriage for all before changing his mind a few years later. If he can give the impression of having a conservative side – he is opposed to the GPA but favorable to the PMA – the facilitator had a time imagined as a homosexual man and father of a family. But, in the end, it never happened.

Laurent Ruquier, who now shares his life with sports coach and TV columnist Hugo Manos, will probably never be a father. Interviewed by the magazine VOD in 2015, the host had evoked his life as a fifty-year-old well in his sneakers: “I earn a good living. I eat well, I dress as I want (…) I do not understand this idea of ​​sleeping money. And since I don’t have children… I can understand that some people want to and that’s good. But not me. It’s like marriage…“At the time, he was still in a relationship with Benoit Petitjean, with whom he had agreed. The host had finally revealed their discreet separation in March 2021, revealing that he had found another man without saying while he was was Hugo Manos.

A year earlier, it was in everyday life Release, that he held a similar speech. “It’s not in my software. I’m from the old generation, I never prepared for this“, he said at the time.

Laurent Ruquier has not always said no to the possibility of becoming a father. Indeed, in 2009, he was interviewed by the Belgian newspaper The last hour and then declared, questioned about paternity: “One day, why not, I would have a child (…) but for that, you have to be sure of the person with whom you live. I still have time, you can be a parent at 50, give me another four years.“Obviously, he changed his mind over the years that have passed. It must be said that between his plays, his television and radio shows as well as the production of shows, he is not idle!

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