Laurent Mariotte as a couple for a long time: rare secrets about his very mysterious companion

Anouchka leads the investigation to unearth and find all the scoops related to the stars. No mission is impossible for this journalist with real coolness.

Talkative when it comes to talking about cooking and good food, Laurent Mariotte is much less so when asked about the woman of his life and mother of his son Léonard. Follower of a healthy, simple and unfussy lifestyle, the host confided the secrets of his romantic evenings with his wife to the journalists of “JDD”…

Show host Small dishes in balance Since 2008, Laurent Mariotte has been celebrating his 53rd birthday on October 9, 2022. In a relationship with a mysterious companion (whose name he has never revealed and with whom he has never appeared at a public event) for many years, the presenter who has officiated in the past as a culinary columnist on France Info is the father of a boy named Léonard, born in 2001. Very protective of his family, he revealed a few anecdotes about his daily life with his darling, who works as a director of production in the cinema, with journalists from JDD in December 2020.

Owner of a cozy apartment in the heart of the marshes in Paris, Laurent Mariotte confessed to adore “sit down with his son and his wife in front of a good meal while tasting a glass of wine bought at his wine merchant“Always ready to debate with his family around sometimes divisive subjects, he also revealed that he loved recreating at home”these atmospheres of brasserie, house in the countryside, where we argue about politics around chicken or lamb“.

Follower of the series Formula 1 Where The Crownthe show’s former juror The best menu in France confided at the time that the health measures linked to confinement had not changed much of his family life. “I am confined to Paris in my apartment with my wife, and my son will join us. As I work, my rhythm is not very different from usual. I can’t see the days passing! I prepare and write my radio shows. I also participate from time to time in Jean-Pierre Pernaut’s 13h, I give advice, recipes“, he confided, obviously not at all upset in his habits.

Father of a young man with a passion for graphic design, Laurent Mariotte had also entrusted the journalists of Entertainment TV where his great love for cooking came from: his mother and grandmother who introduced him to “simple cooking, from the vegetable garden, rural, rustic and above all focused on the seasons. After passing a CAP, he quickly wished “mix tv and kitchen“.”I found myself on presenting the first real-time cooking show. Long before Cyril Lignac!“, he confided with pride.

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