Laurent Maistret: his heavy fall on a bike during a race impresses

While he had come to participate in l’Étape du Coeur – which is a bicycle race aimed at supporting the association Cardiac Surgery Sponsorship to help children with heart problemsLaurent Maistret lost control during the tests that took place the day before. A fall immortalized in a photo, on which we see a few people approaching around the adventurer to hear from him.

More fear than harm in the end for the presenter of Apprentice adventurers, who was indeed in the game this Friday, July 15 for the start of the race alongside many personalities such as his friend from Koh Lanta Claude Dartois, or even Miss France 2018 Maëva Coucke, without forgetting Paul Belmondo, the son of the famous and late actor. Beautiful people, therefore, to support this association which has been fighting since 1996 to save children.

With the support of Saint-Etienne Métropole, these are 3 heart children who can be operated on for their heart defect at the end of Stage“, she explained in a press release. The objective for the runners: to cover around thirty kilometers by bike between Le Bourg d’Oisans and Saint-Etienne. A test within the reach of Laurent Maistret, accustomed to physical effort. , although he fell off his bike the day before, perhaps due to a lack of concentration or balance.

My sport & smile program

Be that as it may, his participation must have touched the organizers of the race a lot, he who never shrinks from a sporting activity. A passion that drives him, the proof with his brand new book My sport & smile program, which he formalized the release on his Instagram account on July 13th.

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