Laurent (Les 12 coups de midi”) completely misses the star and becomes the laughingstock of Internet users!

For several weeks, Laurent has been firmly installed in the master’s chair from midday to lunchtime. Since Bruno’s record, this is the first time that a candidate has managed to stay in the costume of the champion of the Twelve noon shots for so long. Problem ? The happy title holder and also professor of philosophy and his prolonged absence suddenly makes some teeth cringe. Teacher in a high school in Libourne and he has not been replaced since the start of his participation in TF1’s flagship midday game. While waiting for the hypothetical return of their teacher, some of his students testified this Tuesday, February 15, 2022 on BFMTV to appeal to their “disappeared” teacher.

But this same Tuesday, February 15, Laurent had other fish to fry. With only a few squares left on the star, the midday master had a golden opportunity to win his second trophy and the swathe of goodies that come with it. After having brilliantly passed the first three rounds, he rubbed shoulders with questions to reveal the face of the personality to be found.

Internet users dismayed by Laurent’s response

And at the time of turning in front of the mysterious star, only one square remained present. But given the clues already revealed and the rather obvious appearance of the character, everyone expected Laurent to win the cup. Indeed, the flown boxes made it possible to distinguish the body of a little black boy, naked and visibly drawn from a cartoon. In other words, Kirikou is obviously the name to pronounce at this time.

But hell! Incomprehensibly, Laurent offers that of… Beyoncé! An answer of course refused and which provoked a funny reaction from Jean-Luc Reichmann, visibly surprised by this mistake. Internet users, they still can’t believe it. “He dared to say Beyoncé I’m dead”, “It’s Kirikou in the star, do we agree??”, “Beyoncé the dick looks like? It’s kirikou “, they commented on Twitter.

See also: Slimane sends a huge tackle to his ex: “I live my best life, next!”

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