Laurent Jalabert appears with Marion: sports morning for lovers, the former champion shines!

A couple in love who share the same passion, that can only bode well! In any case for the former cyclist Laurent Jalabert and his beautiful Marion, everything seems to be in good shape. Both sports fans, the very discreet couple appears from time to time on social networks in full physical exercise, whether on two wheels, or not.

And this Saturday, both had accepted a challenge far from cycling : a ten kilometer race in Normandy, of which the former athlete was a sponsor. The opportunity for them to post a rare photo set, smiling, in an Instagram story (see the slideshow). A cliché that we do not see every day because the couple, who rather fiercely protect their privacy, are rather the type to stay away from social networks.

This summer, however, both had allowed themselves a small deviation from their rule by sharing with Internet users some images of their romantic vacation. Vacations just after the Tour de France which were surely peppered with sport, the former champion having now taken up triathlon and even Iron Man (3.8 km of swimming, 180.2 km of cycling and 42 km of running)!

In 2019, he had also been crowned world champion in this somewhat crazy discipline, a title surely shared with his companion since the two have been together for more than five years now and seem very attached to each other despite a big age difference twenty years old.

If the young woman is very secretive and does not reveal much about her life, we know however that an adventure could have changed her life: she indeed has a Miss past! Elected Miss Périgord a few years ago, she had tried to become Miss Aquitaine to participate in the big Miss France competition. A dream that ultimately did not come to fruition, but the young woman finally has a blast in sport and seems to have digested it well.

And we suppose that she must get along rather well with Jules, the son of Laurent Jalabert, since the young man is also a talented cyclist, already winner of several competitions at only 20 years old!

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