Laurent Jacobelli, spokesman for the National Rally, is delighted with the victory of the alliance of the rights

The far-right formation Fratelli d’Italia, led by Giorgia Meloni, came out on top in Sunday’s Italian legislative elections.

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“We recognize his victory, we are happy about it”commented Laurent Jacobelli, spokesperson for the National Rally, deputy for Moselle, after the victory of the post-fascist party of Giorgia Meloni on Sunday, September 25 in the legislative elections in Italy.

>> Italy: what contains the program of Giorgia Meloni, the far-right leader who could become Prime Minister

“We do not impose their will on the people”explains Laurent Jacobelli. “When a people wants to regain its freedom, democracy is stronger than anything”continues the RN spokesperson, citing Sweden as an example and the results of the legislative elections in France.

“I don’t compare them”he said about Marine Le Pen and his closeness to Giorgia Meloni, “There are points in common and points of divergence”in particular on the subject of sovereignty and the fight against “uncontrolled and unbridled immigration”explains Laurent Jacobelli.

On the fascist comparison, he replies: “We try to scare people. What does post-fascist mean?”. “If there is a form of denial of democracy to look for”it is rather on the side of the European Union and the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, according to him. “We no longer want the laws that will be voted on in Paris to be decided in Brussels”he concluded.

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