Laurent Girouard | The duty

Absent today is the discreet figure of one of the pioneers of Aboriginal archeology in Quebec, one of the few in his time who tried to reconnect with deep and real ties with a part of ourselves that we hidden for a long time, to amend a holed dialogue with our “enemy” brothers, those who are called the First Nations and the Inuit.

Because if the Native was too often relegated to the confines of our social and political life, his heady presence never tires of provoking us: what do we owe him? Of what otherness or even of what identity is it the sign?

Curiously, this young man who entered the world with a bang (first director of Éditions Parti pris), ready to challenger a society sick with confinement and unspeakable fears, will find the way to its revolution in prehistory, in a continuity that overlooks fashions, bombs and media outbursts: it will scratch, dig and dig the earth, this patient collector of what we have always been; he will find arrowheads there, yes, but also the words to tell another story of the world.

To the generations who have just continued the dialogue humbly initiated by the Girouard, Savard, Kistabish, Picard, Sioui, the Andrés, the St-Onge, Delâge, Rouleau, Vaugeois, Audet, Bouchard, the Qumaqs, the Kalingos and Max-Gros- Louis, so that the half-open door won’t close again.

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