Laurent Gerra dad: this passion he already wants to pass on to his 18-month-old daughter

He is a worthy representative of the Rhône-Alpes region. Originally from Bourg-en-Bresse, settled in old Lyon, Laurent Gerra is a great lover of good food. Rosette, gratons, muzzle, pike quenelles, sapper’s apron … everything goes. Apart from its stage performances, and its tour Without moderation, the comedian and comedian released a Gourmet Almanac last November 18. For him, cooking is more than a passion: it’s a question “transmission“.

Out of the question, for Laurent Gerra, that his children do not inherit his pronounced taste for all the flavors of the universe. In a relationship with Christelle Bardet since 2012, he is the father of a little girl named Célestine, who is barely 18 months old … but already the taste buds of a great lady. “Now it’s up to me to pass on, he explains in the columns of the newspaper Le Figaro. I take my daughter to the restaurant for a long time now so that she can soak up flavors, and I cook for her and for others. I love to cook. Once again, it’s sharing. I think, well I hope, that people have relearned to cook during the confinement. That would be a good thing. “

If you have any cooking gaps, all you have to do is flip through his almanac – in which he breaks down recipes, writes portraits of chefs, conjures up memories of culinary experiences. Or to go see him in show, and enjoy the gastronomic context of his performances. As he easily admits, Laurent Gerra chooses the theaters in which he performs, in France,depending on the good restaurants in the area. And if there is nothing to put the belly full after stepping off the stage, he selects another corner of our beautiful country. Fortunately, France is the land of all taste daring …

Find the full interview with Laurent Gerra in the newspaper Le Figaro.

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