Laurent Delahousse reveals the addiction from which he cannot separate himself “to fill the stress”

Laurent Delahousse is a leading journalist in the French media landscape. But if we know of him a smooth appearance on television sets, the 52-year-old man is like everyone else, with his shortcomings. Or rather, he is like millions of French people who have the same addiction as him: cigarette.

In the same vein as Elisabeth Borne who revealed to be completely addicted to this drink which she cannot do without “to follow”, the one who is these days overwhelmed by a tragedy confided to our colleagues from Release that he couldn’t do without smoking to relieve the stress.

He hosts two editorial conferences for each newscast, smokes while writing his launches“, writes Liberation. A mechanical reflex from which he can no longer be separated and of which he is moreover ashamed. “His pharmacist from whom he buys patches believes that he has quit smoking”continues Release.

Already in 2017, Laurent Delahousse explained to Michel Cymès, whom he received on his set for the month without tobacco, the difficulty of quitting smoking. “I want to quit smoking. I tried the patch, the electronic cigarette, I tried hypnosis. It did not work. What was missing from me? Willingness“, he launched to the doctor who reminded him that the cigarette was considered a drug.

Rest assured, it is unfortunately not the only one. More than 10 million French people are smokers, and among them, the singer Renaud who “smoke like a fireman”. “For a year and a half, I no longer drink a drop of alcohol”assured the interpreter of “Mistral Gagnant” at the microphone of RTL last May. Before adding, not without humour: “However, I still smoke like a firefighter. I went from four packs of cigarettes a day to one pack”. His substitute? Vaping, like Elisabeth Borne who had also caused controversy by vaping at the National Assembly.

Antoine FM

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