Laurent collapsed and in tears in front of Jean-Luc Reichmann when he found a former student with cancer

Lots of tears on set… This Friday, February 4 marks World Cancer Day. Personalities such as actors, singers or animators therefore take advantage of this day to remind people how important it is to make donations and help research to fight against this disease. Jean-Luc Reichmann is one of those personalities making every effort to help science and raise the subject. Proof of this is with his program of “12 Coups de midi” on February 4 in which he offered a sequence filled with emotion by revealing a video message to his candidate Laurent.

“I wanted to clarify and this may affect you Laurent… Today is the world day for all people who have cancer”, began the host before adding: “and we received a lot of people and there is someone who is particularly close to our hearts on this show. She came for the first time on our show. This person, first let me introduce her to you. She upset the social networks in France, her name is Camille. Does that not speak to you? The candidate then responding to Jean-Luc Reichmann with great emotion: “Yes, yes… I don’t know if she’s a former student at the time when I was officiating, perhaps?”. Following this answer, Jean-Luc Reichmann then revealed a sequence dating from several years ago in which we could hear Camille, suffering from generalized cancer, and under chemotherapy, which she contracted at the age of 8 before it became widespread at the age of 23. The young woman, full of life and smiling, wanted to send a message to her former teacher:

“Hello Laurent, I don’t know if you remember me. I passed my Baccalaureate in 2014 at Jean Moulin. I lost my dad that year and I went through the catch-up box you helped me and supported. You advised me to take philosophy. You have been a great teacher all year, I loved it thanks to you and I had 16 in the retake. I got my Baccalaureate thanks to you. I thank you and embrace you. Today, it is up to me to support you and see you as long as possible on the air.”. A message that obviously brings tears to the candidate of 12 Coups de midi. This one, always very moved, did not fail to thank Camille for her support and remind the host: “I remember a young student who was full of life and incredible…” Hoping that the young woman continues to crunch life to the fullest and that she manages to take over this damn disease.


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