Laurent Blanc appointed coach at Lyon

Exit Peter Bosz, hello Laurent Blanc ! The Dutch coach of Lyon was laid off on Sunday, announced OL, which recruited for two seasons the 1998 world champion, former coach of the France team in search of a rebound.

A return to France, 6 years later

Blanc, 56, has not coached in L1 since leaving PSG in 2016. The 1998 world champion had been free of any contract since his dismissal by Qatari club Al-Rayyan in February. The former French international defender (97 caps), who wore the jersey of Naples, Marseille, Barcelona and Manchester United, had already been mentioned to succeed Sylvinho in October 2019, before the choice of President Jean-Michel Aulas was is about Rudi Garcia (2019-2021).

In just six seasons as L1 coach, three in Bordeaux and as many at Paris SG, the “President” has forged an impressive track record, with in particular four titles of champion of France, including three in the capital. But Blanc, who will be accompanied in Lyon by his assistant Franck Passi, ephemeral coach of Marseille, has a lot to prove: he has not occupied a leading team bench since 2016. The former coach of the Blues will also have to navigate in the microcosm of OL, where others before him, Bruno Genesio, Garcia or Bosz, have worn themselves out, facing the supporters or even facing the leaders.

Lyon in difficulty

In a club that has been looking for itself for three years and is in the process of being sold to American businessman John Textor, the new underperformance against Toulouse (1-1) Friday in Ligue 1, after four defeats in a row, sounded the death knell for Peter Bosz, with too starving results. “Given the disappointing results obtained during this start to the season, which remain well below expectations and the objectives set, Olympique Lyonnais informs of the layoff on a protective basis of Peter Bosz“, wrote OL in a press release.

After having exchanged in the night from Saturday to Sunday with John Textor, Olympique Lyonnais informs that it has taken the decision to appoint Laurent Blanc as head coach of the professional team for two seasons, i.e. until June 30 2024“, added the club.

OL are only 9th in L1 (14 pts) after ten days, far from his podium goal, before going to challenge Rennes next Sunday.

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