Laurent Berger asks that “the sanctions apply” when the employers “do not play the game” of teleworking


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The secretary general of the CFDT asks the teams to “report” cases of non-compliance with the use of telework to the labor inspectorate.

“A number of employers are not playing the game” on teleworking, it is necessary that “the sanctions apply”, claimed Thursday, January 13 on franceinfo Laurent Berger, the secretary general of the CFDT. For ten days, teleworking has become the rule again to limit Omicron’s traffic. Three days a week, at a minimum, wherever possible. But in fact, a survey commissioned by the Ministry of Labor shows that the use of telework has hardly changed since December.

“We must move from words to deeds.”

Laurent Berger, secretary general of the CFDT

to franceinfo

“The minister said that there would be administrative sanctions against companies that do not play the teleworking game. We ask our teams to report these cases to the labor inspectorate which, spontaneously, will not have no knowledge of the facts, and that the sanctions apply “, he estimated.

>> Telework: “France lags behind its European neighbors”, according to an Ifop survey

According to him, the lack of enthusiasm for teleworking in companies can be explained by “Everyone’s exasperation and fatigue about the health situation. Nobody can do anything about it, but it is reality. There are also a number of workers who are more reluctant to go back to telework”, he explains. Corn “where things are going well, it is the social dialogue that works”, he stressed. “There is an epidemic peak, but from the start, we said, we will have to pay attention to the fatigue of society. We are getting there”, he warned.

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