Laurent Baffie, Yannick Noah … Great tennis and cinema evening in Paris

It’s the story of a father who wanted to make his two daughters the greatest tennis champions in history and who succeeded. In The Williams Method, Will Smith takes on the role of Richard Williams, father of Venus and Serena Williams. A father who quickly became a coach of his daughters and whom he would lead to the summits of world tennis. Now 40, Serena Williams is considered the greatest player of all time, with 23 Grand Slam titles. A prodigious success which led to this biopic project, the preview of which took place last night in Paris.

A beautiful evening organized at the Grand Rex in the presence of many stars and personalities, especially from the world of sport. Among the distinguished guests, we were able to recognize Laurent Baffie. Cap screwed on the skull and leather jacket, the former sniper of the PAF, who has recently been talked about because of his physical transformation, came to attend the screening alone. Yannick Noah was also in the game. As a former tennis star, the father of five was bound to be drawn to the subject of the film. Coming very relaxed in a black jogging suit, he had put on a very French beret on his head. Another tennis icon, Mansour Bahrami came to him accompanied by his wife, Frédérique.

Other celebrities from the sports world have joined them on the red carpet, starting with Yannick Agnel. The 29-year-old former pool star put on a very classy and understated look, perfect for the season. We could also meet one of the headliners of French handball for many years, the former captain of the Blues, Olivier Girault. The two former basketball players who are now on the radio Jacques Monclar and Stephen Brun were also there.

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