Laurent Baffie unrecognizable: his face calls out after a long absence

What change ! Guest on October 30, 2021 on the set of the show We are live facing Laurent Ruquier and Léa Salamé, Laurent Baffie (63) surprised all viewers. And for once, it’s not for his squeaky repartee but for his new look … Come to promote his new book The Repartee Guide, published by Kero on October 27, the comedian made his fans react with his new appearance …

Laurent Baffie with hair, he’s not the same man anymore!“,”So I don’t mind the name of the person who gave Laurent Baffie a makeover, because it’s pretty successful #OEED“,”Sorry, but I took 15 minutes to understand that it was Laurent Baffie?!? !!!“,”Laurent Baffie has been missed! Since we haven’t seen him, his beard has had time to grow!“,”Laurent Baffie has changed too much“,”Is it Laurent #Baffie who is on #oeed?“can we read on Twitter in particular.

Absent from the media since appearing in The big laugh on C8 and We don’t answer for anything anymore on RTL and Paris Premiere with Karine Le Marchand in 2020, Laurent Baffie made a remarkable comeback among viewers in France 2. Especially since the one who has long written sketches for Jean-Marie Bigard has once again shown a formidable repartee in the face of other guests.

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