Laurent Baffie on vacation: he’s having fun in Corsica with a famous comedian!

Just like Laurent Baffie, the native of Maubeuge, steward in his previous life, takes advantage of these few moments of respite, after an intense year, to recharge the batteries and take it easy. Evidenced by these many pictures posted on his social networks on which we see him lounging at the pool, walking in front of the sea, having fun with his friends around a glass of champagne or even delighting in the breathtaking landscapes of the island of Beauty.

“I am coming out of a difficult period”

A well-deserved vacation for the comedian, who had recently suffered martyrdom after encountering health glitches, as he had revealed in the Big heads. “Oh listen, I’m coming out of a difficult period, know it! Last week I had shingles. Fire ! It’s like the chickenpox virus. On the entire right side”. An itching pain even as he performed on the stage of the Bouffes Parisiens theater, in the play A magical couple by Laurent Ruquier with Valérie Mairesse and her great friend Stéphane Plaza. “I was screaming at the theater but people didn’t see it cause I’m a professional“, he added.

For his part, Laurent Baffie, soon to be the owner of a huge chalet, has not encountered any health problems recently, at least not that we know of. On the other hand, his recourse to cosmetic surgery has not ceased to make ink flow in recent months. On March 3, he gave an interview to Cine TV Revue in which he confided on this subject. Be that as it may, despite their respective adventures, it was with a smile on their faces that Laurent Baffie and Jeanfi Janssens shared this moment of complicity in Corsica. And this, to the delight of their fans.

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