Laurent Baffie, his face transformed: “2 days of nightmare” for his metamorphosis, he suffered martyrdom

The subject has long been taboo. But times are changing and more and more men are talking shamelessly about their hair implants. Laurent Baffie, in particular, speaks without problem about the intervention he underwent. He inevitably broached the subject by participating in the show A good time with by Kyan Khojandi, who himself had very early mentioned his hair loss in one of the episodes of his series In shortbroadcast on Canal+ in 2011 and 2012.

I had terrible pain, it hurts very, very badly

Laurent Baffie no longer appears so much on television, especially since the end of Hello earthlings. But the public finds him on stage in his one man show Laurent Baffie asks himself questions. Difficult not to see a difference with his previous appearances, capillary speaking. “One day, I was losing my hair, so I shaved my head. I said to my wife, ‘Look, I don’t have a bald head’, he told Kyan Khojandi. I am very cozy, very fearful. I went to the best clinic and they gave me implants. I had a terrible pain, it hurts very, very badly. But I didn’t have a bald head, it didn’t suit me, there was no Bruce Willis mark.

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