Laurent Baffie candidate for the elections: new political challenge in sight for the comedian!

This is not the first time that Laurent Baffie has taken on such a challenge. Three years ago, the former acolyte of Thierry Ardisson attempted a candidacy for the European elections, during which he had never voted until then: “By supporting the Animalist Party, I don’t feel like I’m supporting a political party. I feel like I support a humanist party. I don’t think politicians are concerned with the animal kingdom. They can, as an act of good conscience, sometimes put a little ecology in their speeches but I think they don’t care because animals don’t vote“.

If he could not go through with his commitment for lack of sponsorship, Laurent Baffie does not give up. It must be said that for the past three years, the environmental and animal cause has been increasingly put forward. So chances are that this time around the plans will work. He is far from the only personality to engage in animal protection. In addition to the unpresentable Brigitte Bardot, Delphine Wespiser, Hugo Clément, Aymeric Caron are also mobilized. In July 2020, a referendum project for animals was launched and signed by many stars such as Juliette Binoche, Alessandra Sublet or Sonia Rolland. It aimed to ban cage farming, the end of intensive farming, the end of traditional hunts and the organization of shows with wild animals. A project unfortunately not completed.

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