The president of the PS group in the National Assembly was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Tuesday July 16.
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Boris Vallaud, president of the socialist group in the Assembly and deputy of Landes, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Tuesday July 16, 2024. The name of Laurence Tubiana proposed to occupy the post of Prime Minister, the presidency of the National Assembly… He answered questions from Fanny Guinochet and Jean-Rémi Baudot.
PS, PC and Greens propose Laurence Tubiana for Matignon
The candidacy of Laurence Tubiana, from “Civil society”East “a way out on top”estimated Boris Vallaud, president of the socialist group in the National Assembly, Tuesday July 16 on franceinfo. This economist and academic is proposed by the socialists, the ecologists and the communists. Manuel Bompard, the coordinator of La France insoumise, estimated that this candidacy was not “not serious”On France Inter, Olivier Faure, first secretary of the PS, said he still believed in Laurence Tubiana’s candidacy, despite criticism from LFI.
“She is a woman of convictions. She is the reconciliation of social emergencies and environmental emergencies”summarized Boris Vallaud. The deputy believes that Laurence Tubiana’s candidacy also symbolizes a “rupture of political practices. We are going to change people’s lives because we are going to change our political practices and I want to be the guarantor of this change in political practices”he explained.
La France Insoumise accuses Laurence Tubiana, ambassador for the COP21 negotiations and co-president of the Citizens’ Convention for the Climate, of being “Macron-compatible”. According to Boris Vallaud, this candidacy is “a way of being in the majority in the country, in our fights for ecology, on social emergencies, while we are not in the majority in the hemicycle”He recalled that the New Popular Front does not belong to the parties but to the “left-wing people who voted for us”he added.
Will the PS distance itself from LFI?
The insults between the allies of the New Popular Front continue unabated. The deputy of La France Insoumise, Sophia Chikirou, compared in a publication on “X” the “hollandism” to bedbugs while the name of Laurence Tubiana was suggested. “These are old methods, old ways of doing things, it’s extremely violent. They’re not mine. They have no place in a serious debate today.”reacted Boris Vallaud. Are we heading towards a breaking point with La France Insoumise? “Everyone will take responsibility”he said. “We are proposing a point of reconciliation. If others consider that it is a point of division, it perhaps means that the desire to govern is not complete. But I believe that we will get there.”he explains.
“A unique candidacy” for the presidency of the Assembly
Not everything is so bleak between the allies of the New Popular Front. According to Boris Vallaud, “the principle of a single application is established” for the presidency of the National Assembly. “There will probably be several candidates for the candidacy and then we will decide together”he explained. “We will give you a name when the time comes.”he added.
Find the entire “8h30 franceinfo” from Tuesday July 16, 2024: