Laurence (Love is in the meadow) makes a “disgusting” decision: the rant of a well-known star

Initially acclaimed by the public, Lawrence of Love is in the meadow is now pointed out on social networks. And not only! It is also in her private life that Jean’s suitor is the subject of strong criticism. And for good reason, it was revealed that she had declared on sick leave to participate in the filming of the M6 ​​broadcast. It is then a big ethical breach in the eyes of his colleagues in the public service in Charente. The mayor of his commune did not hesitate to share his disappointment. “She could and should have been transparent, estimated the mayor of Saint-Yrieix, Jean-Jacques Fournié, for Free Charente.

For her part, Laurence approached her union to defend her case. But the discreet brunette admitted to being in the middle of a nightmare. “It’s all getting serious. Me, I don’t want a problem with the town hall. VSwent way too far. It has to stop. I am overwhelmed. If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t do this show again. It caused me too much trouble“, she told our colleagues.

But his regrets will not have succeeded in softening Diane Leyre. Our Miss France 2022 and columnist of the Morning without filter on Virgin Radio shared his disapproval of Laurence’s technique to avoid work and join the cast of Love is in the meadow. At the microphone of the radio this Wednesday morning, she did not mince her words. “Whether she is paid or not on the set, it does not change anything. You don’t use Social Security to get out of work. Personally, it really shocks me.“, she let go, quite annoyed. And to continue: “What you say: ‘Here I have a filming proposal, it’s a great opportunity’, why not. […] But there, tYou get paid, social security comes into play. It’s called playing with the state, you don’t have the right to do that! I find it disgusting just to make a TV show“.

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