Laurence (Love is in the meadow): A disciplinary procedure initiated against her, the ordeal continues!

From love to hate, there is only one step. Laurence and Jean fortunately did not cross it and their couple still softens the viewers of Love is in the meadow. On the other hand, if there is one who is not delighted with the new happiness in love of the contender, it is indeed Jean-Jacques Fournié. The latter is mayor of the town of Saint-Yrieix for which Laurence works as a canteen staff of a nursery school. The reason ? Her employee went on sick leave when she was actually filming for M6. He is apparently determined to make him pay for this professional misstep.

La Charente Libre reports that disciplinary proceedings have been initiated against Laurence. Even though he had said that no sanctions would take place, he seems to have changed his mind. On Monday, October 24, Laurence received a letter from the mayor, indicating that he was finally considering “a warning measure.” According to him, Laurence is the author of a “breach of duty by official“in addition to not having respected the”Reserve duty“Always according to the mayor, his behavior would carry”damage to the consideration of the public service by users” and would cause a feeling of injustice towards his colleagues, whose workload has increased during his absence.

Jean-Jacques Fournié had however indicated on October 18 that Laurence would not be sanctioned despite his error. But this turnaround is apparently not one for him: “We will send a warning to this agent, but it will not be placed on file. This means that Laurence will not have a layoff, she will not be suspended, there will be no interruption of her treatment. This letter and this procedure are similar to a reminder of the law, when a judge warns someone that he has not behaved well but does not sanction him” he explained this Tuesday, October 25.

Laurence did not expect such consequences. She had even expressed all her regrets about her participation in the show, despite the happiness it brought her: “It’s gone way too far. It has to stop. I am overwhelmed. If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t do this show again. It caused me too much trouble.” Let’s hope for her that her relationship with Jean held…

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