Laurence Ferrari: This rather strange prohibition in the bedroom imposed on her husband Renaud Capuçon

Laurence Ferrari celebrates her 56th birthday on Tuesday July 5, 2022. Mother of three children, she first gave birth to Baptiste, 29, and Laetitia, 27 – who looks a lot like her father -, fruits of her love with his former companion Thomas Hughes. Then, she again tasted the joys of motherhood in 2010, with the birth of Elliott, her son with her husband Renaud Capuçon. On his relationship with the illustrious host, the violinist made a funny confidence in February 2019 abouta strange prohibition that she imposes on him, in the bedroom.

It was at the microphone of Europe 1 that Renaud Capuçon revealed it, with humor. “I can hardly sleep with the violin not in the room“, he first let our colleagues know. And it is not to the taste of his other half. If she accepts that her dear and tender never separates from her favorite instrument, a Guarnerius from 1737, the very precious object, on the other hand, must not exceed the step of the bedroom. “My wife insisted so much that he sleep in the next room“, he regretted, amused. “But that’s the only place. In hotel rooms, he’s always next to the bed“, he nevertheless concluded. Deal.

A (too) devouring passion?

And as long as the violin stays away from the bed, everything is fine for the couple. About their story, Renaud Capuçon had already poured out during a portrait of Release. The one who met the star of the JT of 20 hours on TF1, in 2008, also evoked the celebrity of Laurence Ferrari. “It earned me looks in the French musical community. Could have been devastating for us if we weren’t grounded“, he had confided. Invited in November 2021 on the set of C à vous, he had also indulged in a few rare confidences, amusing. “Every time the president spoke [dès le début de la crise sanitaire, en mars 2020, NDLR] and that he was announcing three more weeks, I was counting the plays I was going to play, I was saying that to myself, no one knew. And Laurence said to me: ‘But you can stop tomorrow, stop!’ She was fed up that every day at 9 o’clock I play’“, he thus declared. A somewhat (too) devouring passion?

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