Laurence Ferrari explodes and attacks Pap Ndiaye!

An outing that elicits reactions. This Sunday, July 9, the Minister of National Education, Pap Ndiayewas the guest of Frédéric Haziza on Radio J. Although the interview touched on the recent results of the baccalaureate, it was inevitable to evoke the sensitive subject of the last weeks: the strike of the Sunday newspaper. Indeed, many editorial journalists are opposed to the arrival of Geoffroy Lejeune, former editor-in-chief of Valeurs Actuelles known for his positions close to the extreme right, at the head of the editorial staff. Therefore, the strike has been going on for three weeks now.

On his side, Pap Ndiaye supports mobilization. “This inspires me with one thing, it is that we obviously have to support the mobilization of the staff of the ‘JDD’ and I understand that they do not want to enter the galaxy of publications or the media (…) very close to the most radical extreme right”, he declared to Frédéric Haziza, surprised by his remarks. The journalist then wanted to know where the Minister of National Education was coming from. “When you look at CNews, you look at what has become of Europe 1, when you look at this set, the conclusion is obvious”he specified.

See also: Pierre Palmade case: “His friends in the business have all disappeared!”

Pap Ndiaye sees CNEWS and Europe 1 as far-right media, the minister gets knocked out

For Pap Ndiaye, “CNews is very clearly the extreme right”. “They are hurting democracy, there is no doubt. I consider fighting the far right to be a priority. It can be done in any way possible”, he concluded. These declarations did not fail to arouse reactions. Of Laurence Ferrari to Gauthier Le Bret, many members of NEWS expressed their anger after hearing these remarks.

This Monday, July 10, for example, Gauthier Le Bret devoted his editorial to the Minister of National Education “on borrowed time” who draws up a balance sheet “very bad”. “Pap Ndiaye therefore made the oh so original choice to attack our channel”, said Gauthier Le Bret with a touch of sarcasm. For his part, Laurence Ferrari, a journalist who does not hesitate to stand up to Adrien Quatennens or to give his clear opinion on the PPDA affair, did not mince his words either.

Laurence Ferrari sees red and answers him

Indeed, this Monday, July 10, Laurence Ferrari published an inflammatory tweet against Pap Ndiaye. “Tribute to the 120 journalists from our CNEWS channel and those from Europe 1 who do an irreproachable job!”first wanted to highlight the one who made revelations about Pierre Palmade, before attacking the main person concerned: “Shame on these living room ideologues who are unable to do theirs. National Education and teaching staff deserve better than this heartbreaking mediocrity”. A way to express his position in this matter.


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