Laurence Boccolini, former battered wife, pays poignant tribute to Marie Trintignant

On August 1, 2003, a tragedy occurred in Lithuania. Marie Trintignant, famous French actress, succumbed to the blows of her companion Bertrand Cantat after a marital dispute. The shock wave caused by this tragic episode was resounding. Everyone still has in mind these unbearable images of the body of the actress, plunged into a coma, lying on a stretcher and assailed by journalists, her face hidden by the hands of her mother. No one has forgotten either the face of the singer of Black Desire with a blank stare, his head buried under his shoulders, his hands handcuffed.

Almost twenty years later, violence against women has taken a completely different place in our society. And if the word was freed in a more liberating way, it is important for some to recall the tragedies of the past, founding stones of an essential fight against sometimes deadly male oppression. This is probably what Laurence Boccolini thought when she published her Instagram story on August 1st.

August 1, 2003… To Marie… Died under the blows. To all the others…“wrote the host of” Everyone wants to take their place “. A way also for her perhaps to recall the importance of collective memory. Perhaps it is even more important for the mother of Willow to support a cause close to her.

Sunday May 1, 2022, invited on the set of the program “Vivement dimanche”, on the occasion of the reissue of her album “1988”, Sophie Tapie notably addressed the subject of domestic violence which is the subject of one of his songs and made some revelations about the host of France 2. “She’s a former battered wife. I called her“, revealed the daughter of Bernard Tapie, who comes, after a divorce, to formalize with his new companion from social networks.


See also: Sophie Tapie talks about Laurence Boccolini’s past as a battered woman

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