Laure (Married at first sight) victim of domestic violence: sad secrets about her past

Before meeting love in the person of Matthew thanks to the romantic program Married at first sight (2021), Laura went through complicated episodes. The pretty blonde has been the victim of domestic violence in the past.

It’s in story Instagram that she made these confidences on Sunday April 3, 2022 while she was watching a film on the subject. “I watch ‘She saved me’ on Salto. It’s horrible… The sad truth about domestic violence. I have chills“, she wrote facing the moving story of Laura Rapp, a young woman traumatized by the regular beatings and the attempted murder of her ex-spouse.

Some scenes seem to be the transcription of what I experienced… When your spouse gets angry because the dish you are making is not the one he wanted… It seems so ridiculous but it’s just another excuse to express his hatred“, continued Laure. The pretty blonde who became the mother of a little Lya (6 months) has, like the protagonist of She saved me, had great difficulty leaving his violent companion. “What made me stay was thinking he was an isolated case, that he needed help and that he was shown that love was possible. It was silly to believe that we can help a person who thinks he doesn’t need help“, she understands today.

After finally having the courage to leave this toxic environment, Laure had no regrets and thus encourages the victims to free themselves from this kind of hold. “One thing that helped me move forward: you are not an isolated case, your relationship is not unique, you are not the problemyou will not save this person so think about saving yourself… And even if the beginnings are difficult, we quickly realize that leaving and cutting ties are the best decisions the rest of his life“, she concluded.

Thanks to her husband Matthieu, Laura has certainly found the balance she has always dreamed of having. The former candidate of M6 and his beauty had also very quickly got along well on the show. It must be said that they were 79% compatible according to experts !

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