Laure (Married at first sight) criticized on her physique: she defends the “bulges here and there”

Since being revealed in Married at first sight 2021, Laura is widely followed on social media. A community that makes him want to share his daily life on Instagram as much as possible, for better, but also for worse.

Some Internet users do not hesitate to criticize her and she saw it again on Sunday March 27, 2022. After revealing one of her outfits, a person denigrated her physique by writing: “The look we will iron. Your athletic physique is far away.“A comment that Matthieu’s wife did not hesitate to reveal in broad daylight. We can thus see that she replied to him: “Yes it is far, but I do not worry. He will be back very soon. Besides, I think I’ll get it back faster than you, your kindness.

Fortunately for Laure, the majority of her subscribers are benevolent, so she received many messages of support and wanted to thank her. “Know that it does not affect me that much. I know it’s the truth, that my body has changed, but it’s for the right reasons. I just wanted to post the person because I find it sad that there are people who waste their time posting this kind of comment. So I was happy to show it“, she explained. She then recalled that she tried to be as natural as possible on social networks, in particular by not putting filters. “Do we want to see fake people or real people who actually have bulges here and there?“, she concluded. A message that will surely be welcomed by her fans.

Remember that if Laure’s silhouette has changed in recent months, it is because she had the happiness of giving birth. Five months after her marriage to Matthieu in Married at first sight, the former swimming champion was surprised to discover that she was pregnant. It was last August that Lya showed up. An adorable little girl who pops up from time to time on their social media.

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