Laure Manaudou, fan filled in front of Jérémy Frérot: “crazy evening” for lovers

Living on stage and traveling the roads of France to ensure the shows promised to the fans, it is the life that Jérémy Frérot, ex-participant of The Voice and former member of Fréro Delavega, chose to lead. This daily life when one is husband and father of a family can represent certain constraints but far from him the idea of ​​having to choose. His wife Laure Manaudou therefore found the solution: follow the gentleman on a few trips to facilitate family life.

This Tuesday, March 29, the former swimmer was in the public at L’Olympia de Paris to support her husband on stage. His pride and his admiration are not the shadow of a doubt to see the posts posted in stories on Instagram (see the slideshow). If just doing L’Olympia is a victory for an artist, the energy that Jérémy Frérot releases during the show makes you vibrate. Laure Manaudou says it herself, her evening was “phew“. And she will be in Lille tonight for a new date.”Two days, two concerts“, she then added in her Instagram story, all accompanied by a red heart.

The lovers met in early 2015, somewhat by chance. Laure Manaudou attended a concert by Fréro Delavega, the duo that Jérémy Frérot formed with Flo Delavega in The Voice at the time. The charm works when she goes backstage to meet them. If Flo is already taken, Jeremy is single. A story begins discreetly before the lovebirds formalize on the red carpet of the NRJ Music Awards in November of the same year.

Since this crush in the dressing rooms, everything has not always been rosy, but the couple has managed to stay the course and get through the trials. In 2017, the first child of Laure Manaudou and Jérémy Frérot, a boy named Lou, was born. The following year, the young parents passed the ring on their finger in the Landes region where they settled. In January 2021, Lou becomes a big brother. Laure Manaudou gives birth to a second boy whose first name is still unknown to this day. The quartet would be nothing without its fifth element: Manon, 11, the fruit of Laure’s love affair with Frédérick Bousquet. A perfect blended family or the ocean of love that the ex-swimmer needed to feel like a fish in water.

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