Laure Manaudou accomplice with Manon: she can count on her daughter to beautify her

Summer is made for fun and that, Laure Manaudou got it right! The 35-year-old mother is at home at the moment and despite a busy schedule, she manages to find time to spend time with her children, Manon, Lou and her last baby boy, 1 year old. After a beautiful love story with former swimmer Frédérick Bousquet, the Olympic champion has been living a beautiful romance with singer Jérémy Frérot since 2015. Together, they settled in the Arcachon basin and lead their best life as the 32-year-old artist sings so well.

Florent Manaudou’s sister is a very attentive mother with her children and when something goes wrong, she does not hesitate to intervene. At the start of the year, she notably mentioned on her Instagram account the mockery suffered by her little Lou (4 years old) after he went to school with a duvet. “You explain to him that boys have the right to wear pink, duvets, that girls have the right to have short hair and wear blue and that he does what pleases him and not others”, she retorted at the time. A great lesson in life, but after education Laure Manaudou moved on to a much more fun activity.

Manon, already very talented, takes care of her mother… and her brother!

In her story on her Instagram account, where she is followed by nearly 170,000 subscribers, the former swimmer has just published two photos of the day’s activity. On the program, a workshop around the nails of the hand and as we can see, the young mother was treated to pretty little stones on each of them. She seems to like it since she added a little emoji heart on the plate. It would seem that it was Manon’s idea since in the second photo, it is she who is applying pink varnish on what could well be the feet of her little brother Lou (photos can be found in the slideshow)!

A beautiful moment of complicity between Laure Manaudou and two of her children, which shows once again that she is a golden mother!

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