Laure Boulleau hotter than ever: pink swimsuit and dream beach, she raises the temperature on Instagram

Summer has come to an end, but not for everyone. Indeed, many lucky people take advantage of the month of September, and the start of the school year, to go on vacation when there are fewer people. However, it is sometimes necessary to go to the other side of the world to find temperatures that are still summery since in France, and in certain parts of Europe, the mercury has dropped drastically for a few weeks. Not enough to dampen the morale of Laure Boulleau who is currently in paradise and yet not so far from her territory.

In fact, the journalist Channel Football Club took advantage of the break in the French championship to take a few days off. The former player of the French women’s team has chosen to put her suitcases on the side of the Balearic Islands, where the heat still seems to be felt as evidenced by the many shots in swimsuits posted by the ex- athletic. The opportunity for Laure Boulleau to prove that, despite her retirement, she still remains as sublime, with a dream body.

Retired athlete, but still fit

At the beach, a pink one-piece swimsuit and a broad smile… The perfect recipe to drive your followers crazy. The journalist displays a silhouette of a goddess and has allowed many Internet users to raise the temperature at home despite the cold already well established in France. But if the sidekick of Hervé Mathoux was in the Balearic Islands, it was also to celebrate a happy event. No pregnancy or marriage on her side. On the other hand, it is indeed the union of a couple of friends that she celebrated.

In one of her many shared photos, Laure Boulleau indeed posed in the company of a certain Nadège and a certain Alexis who made the choice to say “yes” to the neighboring islands of Spain. Weddings that undoubtedly allowed the guests to have a great time and clear their minds for an evening.

See also: Laure Boulleau (Vice Football Champion 12-16): Her fashion/beauty essentials!


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