Laura Tenoudji: Who is Michael Tapiro, the father of her eldest son?

Between Laura Tenoudji and Christian Estrosi, it’s always crazy love! For several years, the columnist of Telematin represents in particular a major support for the mayor of Nice who has gone through some hardships during his mandates, such as the attack in his city in 2016. Duo united in front of the public, they are also in the intimacy, particularly to raise their daughter Bianca (born in 2017). A child who did not introduce them to parenthood since everyone had already dealt with diapers and bottles.

Laura Tenoudji has for her part lived a beautiful love story with Michael Tapiro. Together, they welcomed their son Milan in 2009. The ex of “Laura du web” as she is nicknamed is the founder and director of a sports management school, launched in 2010 and named Sport Management School. This one is dedicated to sports business professions. A dream come true for Michael Tapiro.

I started with a sporting career and I founded the Club of Neuilly sur Seine: ‘Rugby Club Paris Neuilly’. I then created in 1999 the agency Beyond Sports with Christophe Juillet and Marc Lievremont, specializing in the relationship between sport and management in companies. At the same time, I have been a marketing professor for 15 years. In particular, I was a teacher at ESSEC and at the Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci. For all these years, I wanted to start my own school“, he confided for the Hauts de Seine Initiative site.

Exes still very close

Laura Tenoudji and the entrepreneur have also remained on very good terms. Better still, he and Christian Estrosi ended up forming a friendship. “The couple get along very well with the former companion of Laura“, we learned in the magazine Gala in July 2021. The mayor of Nice even married Michael Tapiro to his new girlfriend!It was Christian who celebrated his marriage. And his wife, an interior designer, took care of our Parisian home“, revealed Laura Tenoudji.

Note that the pretty 46-year-old blonde also ended up getting married. “It was the logical continuation of our love, with a beautiful ecumenical ceremony celebrated in Nice by a priest and a rabbi, drespecting our respective traditions“, she remembered for our colleagues, speaking of her union with Christian Estrosi which took place in November 2016.

As a reminder, the politician had married in the past Dominique Sassonne, with whom he had two children: Laetitia (36 years old) and Laura (33 years old). He is even the grandfather of two granddaughters, Zelda (3 years old) and Nora (2 years old).

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