Laura Tenoudji, Christian Estrosi and their daughter Bianca: amazed by the Nice carnival!

The Nice carnival, which usually brings together 200,000 spectators, will only be able to accommodate 85,000 paying spectators this year, according to Magali Altounian, deputy mayor in charge of outreach: “But the kick-off is successful, we wanted to party, we had been deprived of it for two years and now we will finally be able to have fun and get together“, welcomed the elected Friday evening to AFP.

A large security force, with 200 national police officers and 90 municipal police officers, has been mobilized to ward off, said Mayor Christian Estrosi, “to any threat against property and persons“while also ensuring”health security“with, as much as possible in such a festive event, minimal respect for barrier gestures.

Christian Estrosi and Laura Tenoudji again went to the carnival last night to discover the first carnival corso, Roi des Animaux, featuring various political figures, starting with the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron.

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